
An endless war has been raging for untold centuries. Around the time mankind first discovered fire, two warring clans fought over coveted territory where both the hunting grounds and water source were critical to maintaining the slightest advantage. One dark night when both groups were struggling to stay afloat, the leader of the so-called Vaumpyrs decided to take an incredibly bold move.

To empower his strongest warriors against the coming onslaught of the opposing Lykanz, he tricked them into drinking the blood of their own dead – the effects were immediate and astounding. Every warrior that filled their belly with the blood of their comrades died…only to rise again as nearly immortal, cunning, all-but-unstoppable death dealers. The would-be Lykanz onslaught became a slaughter. But, despite the god-like creatures they now faced, the Lykanz leader swore revenge.

In his own all-or-nothing gambit, the Lykanz leader rounded up his best hunting wolves only to have his remaining warriors eat them…alive. Under the pale light of the full moon, those warriors became animals themselves. Their muscles tightened, expanded, and bulged from their now darkly haired skin. Taking to all fours, the Lykanz brought their might to bare against the Vaumpyrs once again – this time, though, the unsuspecting Vaumpyrs took their own heavy losses, causing them to fall back and giving the all too important control of the territory to the Lykanz.

And thus it has been ever since. Vaumprys vs. Lykanz evolved over time into what we recognize as vampires vs. lycans, and as time heals all wounds, some groups even started mixing the two species together, truly making the conflict survival of the fittest. Humas believe themselves to be the dominate species, fighting their own battles over land that they’ll never really own while being totally oblivious to the greater struggle that would likely have decimated them as a species years ago if the vampires and lycans hadn’t developed a need for them as a food source.

Although some humans who became aware of the monsters living among them found that forging weapons edged with pure silver and training their bodies to the absolute brink of their capability gave them the power needed to fight back, the majority of the human race are little more than cattle to slaughter.

That is until a strange coven of women who’d seen the brutality of the monsters firsthand deemed to harness the innate magic of their tainted blood. In a ritual calling on whatever greater presence would listen, the women mixed the painstakingly collected blood of both vampires and lycans and became something else entirely themselves. Rumors quickly began to swirl about superhumans with precious metal swords and women who could cast spells, but as humans do, most cast off the notion as utter superstition. Those type of humans continue to be seen as little more than a meal to the near immortals, but they have grown to fear those exceptional humans known as hunters and witches, however.

That said, though, the need to feed persists. No matter the growing danger, vampires and lycans must imbibe human blood to survive. That necessity is what brings us forward through the centuries to the scene about to unfold before us today…


In Bloodhunt, you have the freedom to choose between four playable races: Vampire, Lycan, Witch, and Hunter. Each race boasts its own set of unique abilities, allowing you to shape your gameplay experience and embark on a thrilling adventure tailored to your chosen character.

Entourés de statues menaçantes, une Gobeline de la Horde vise avec son arc un Nain de l’Alliance dans l’arène

Players have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the dark and treacherous world of vampires. Known for their insatiable hunger and supernatural abilities, they possess extraordinary strength, agility, and heightened senses, making them formidable foes on the battlefield. These immortal beings are sustained by the blood of mortals and must regularly feed to maintain their powers and vitality.

Vampires are not limited to feeding on mortals alone. When threatened or cornered, they can sink their fangs into any opponent, including lycans, witches, and hunters. By biting these opponents, vampires can drain their enemies' strength and weaken their resolve, gaining an advantage in battle.

Whether you choose to unleash your hunger upon mortals or combat rival creatures in a desperate struggle for dominance, the Vampire race offers a thrilling and macabre gameplay experience.

Harness your vampiric powers, sink your fangs into the unsuspecting, and claim your place among the night-dwelling predators in this dark and immersive world.

Entourés de statues menaçantes, une Gobeline de la Horde vise avec son arc un Nain de l’Alliance dans l’arène

In the haunting world of Bloodhunt lycans stand as the eternal enemies of vampires. These fearsome creatures, cursed with a bestial nature, are responsible for the downfall of humanity. Lycans embody primal strength, ferocity, and an insatiable hunger for flesh.

Lycans possess incredible physical prowess and razor-sharp claws and fangs. Their savage nature allows them to swiftly navigate through the shadows, pounce on unsuspecting prey, and tear through their opponents with brutal force. Lycans are relentless hunters, driven by their instincts and the desire to quench their unending hunger.

In the eternal struggle between lycans and vampires, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Will the beastly nature of lycans prevail, or will the insatiable hunger of vampires prove to be their downfall? Bloodhunt presents players with a harrowing choice as they navigate the treacherous world where the line between monster and humanity blurs.

Entourés de statues menaçantes, une Gobeline de la Horde vise avec son arc un Nain de l’Alliance dans l’arène

Witches are revered for their profound expertise in potion-making and potent magical abilities. These mystical practitioners are known to possess a wealth of knowledge when it comes to crafting elixirs, concoctions, and magical remedies. Their mastery of magic makes them formidable adversaries and invaluable allies to those who seek their aid.

Beyond their prowess in magic, witches play a pivotal role in supporting hunters. They lend their expertise to these skilled warriors, aiding them in the art of enchanting weapons with magical properties, making them even deadlier to face the supernatural threats that lurk in the shadows.

Embrace the mystical and harness the power of witchcraft in Bloodhunt where your knowledge of potions and mastery of magic can tip the scales in the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

Entourés de statues menaçantes, une Gobeline de la Horde vise avec son arc un Nain de l’Alliance dans l’arène

Hunters are fierce and skilled warriors who dedicate themselves to protecting humanity from the supernatural threats that plague the world. These courageous individuals possess remarkable combat abilities, resourcefulness, and a deep understanding of the creatures they face.

Equipped with an array of specialized weaponry and tools, hunters are adept at tracking, ambushing, and engaging their adversaries in battle. they are versatile fighters capable of dispatching foes with lethal precision.

As players assume the role of hunters they will navigate the treacherous grid, uncover dark secrets, and engage in intense battles against a variety of supernatural adversaries. With their combat skills, resourcefulness, and the aid of powerful allies, hunters stand as humanity's last line of defense against the ever-present threat of the supernatural.